Flipgrid Consent


Dear Parent or Guardian:

We are always looking for new and creative ways to engage our students and enhance their experiences so for some of our online activities we’ll be working with an exciting new tool…Flipgrid.

Flipgrid is the leading video discussion platform used by tens of millions of PreK to PhD educators, students, and families in more than 180 countries.

Flipgrid allows us to spark interest and discussion by providing a platform for your child to share short video responses based on questions or activities.  This will help create an inclusive dialogue and allow them to engage with fellow students in a fun and meaningful way. Once submitted all videos will be approved by a teacher before they can be published.

We think Flipgrid will be a wonderful addition, so we are asking for your permission for your child to use Flipgrid.

If you’d like to see a video of how it works for students click here. You can also click here for the Flipgrid Parents & Students Q&A page. Please review Flipgrid’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Read through the policies and let us know if you have any questions.

Click here to fill out our consent form indicate if your son/daughter is allowed to use Flipgrid for our activities.

Please do not allow your child to use the Flipgrid code distributed for activities if you do not consent to their use.

David Cooper