Sunohara, Vicky

Vicky Sunohara was born May 18, 1970 in Scarborough, Ontario. Her family is Japanese and Ukrainian, and her grandparents on her Japanese side were victims of Canada’s infamous World War Two internment camps; forced to leave British Columbia they came to Ontario after the war. Vicky’s father David played hockey at the university level for

Lai, Wing Yoke

Wing Yoke Lai was born January 27, 1925 in San Francisco’s Chinatown.  He was the fourth of five children living in a small 2-bedroom housing unit.  He grew up against the backdrop of the Great Depression in a tough neighborhood where the YMCA and the movies offered an outlet.  Wing attended Galileo High School, where

Leuchter, Kurt

Kurt Leuchter was born February 6, 1929 in Vienna, Austria.  He grew up there in the 1930s and remembers well the dark days of the Anschluss, when the Nazis marched in.  Restrictions began to set in, and then the real brutality was unleashed during Kristallnacht.  Kurt recalls seeing the synagogue burned, and remembers his father

Ikeda, Sid

Sid Ikeda is a past president of the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto. As a young boy he was relocated along with his family in the British Columbia interior, where he experienced the internment camps. He was interviewed by Colin Walker in January 2009 and has since come back to Crestwood several times to

Moritsugu, Frank

When WW2 broke out, all Japanese-Canadians were labeled as enemy aliens were sent to the internment camps. Mr. Moritsuguand his brother were separated from his family; while Mr. Moritsugu’s family were sent to Tashme camp, he and his brother Ken were sent to Yard Creek Road. Despite the treatment accorded his family by their own