Hough, Richard

Richard Hough was born in Napanee, Ontario, where he grew up on a dairy farm.  He wanted to be a pilot, and that led him to join the Canadian Forces; while his dream of pilot did not work out, he did qualify as a navigator, and he set off to RMC to study engineering.  He

Prohar, Derek

Derek Prohar grew up on a farm outside of Avonlea, Saskatchewan. He attended high school at Notre Dame College in Wilcox, Saskatchewan, where he played hockey, football and rugby. Those sports and academic interests took him to McGill University in Montreal, where he received a Bachelor of Arts and played varsity hockey with the McGill

Justason, Chris

Chris Justason is a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, where he is presently a major in the Armoured Corps.  He is originally from New Brunswick, where he grew up in the Fredericton area.  His family had a military tradition, though it was almost entirely navy-connected; joining as an Armoured officer did allow Chris to

Snider, Chris

Chris Snider was born March 19, 1932 in Sunbury, Pennsylvania.  His parents were Canadian but were living in the U.S. at the time, and as the 1930s unfolded they moved a few more times, eventually landing in Oakville, Ontario.  The realities of the Great Depression had kept them on the move, as Chris’s father looked

Wentzell, Tyler

Major Tyler Wentzell is a currently serving member of the Canadian Forces, one who hails from Nova Scotia.  He comes from a family with a military and especially a policing tradition, and as a teenager he worked on an oral history project that involved interviewing some of the same veterans that we have met here

Crowe, Leanne

Commander Leanne Crowe is a currently serving member of the Canadian Forces; she is on staff at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto and visited Crestwood twice during the 2022-23 school year.  She was born in Vancouver in 1964 and grew up in different parts of Canada, including Montreal and Oakville, Ontario.  In high school

Kucher, Nicholas

LCdr Nicholas Kucher hails from the Canadian Prairies, where he was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta.  He made the decision to join the Canadian Forces (CAF) coming out of high school and college.  He made his way to St-Jean, Quebec for basic training, and as a future naval officer he saw advanced training and

Van Tine, Joshua

Major Joshua Van Tine is a currently serving member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).  He hails from Burns Lake, B.C., where he remembers that an outdoors lifestyle where he was a scout and a Sea Cadet led him to the CAF.  He has been involved in numerous deployments, including in Afghanistan as part of

Prymack, Alexander

Major Alexander Prymack is a currently serving member of the Canadian Forces.  Born in 1985, he grew up in the Calgary area.  His military career began in 2003, when he attended RMC in Kingston, Ontario.  From there he became an artillery troop commander and forward observer, and was deployed to Afghanistan during Operation Attention, where

Kelley, Travis

Major Travis Kelley had a family background in the military, so he was interested at a young age.  He studied Engineering at the University of Waterloo and joined the Army Reserves when he was finishing his undergrad.  He then did basic training at the Wolseley Barracks and completed other training as a Combat Engineer in

Braybrook, Chelsea

Chelsea Braybrook was born in the city of Sarnia, Ontario, where she spent the majority of her childhood with her both her parents as well as her younger little brother.  She never intended on being a soldier at young age but instead had aspirations of becoming a star like her childhood singing idol Cher.  As

Lucas, Alison

Alison Lucas was born in Ottawa to parents that moved around frequently, since her father was in the Air Force.  Her mother was an Emergency Room nurse who took a “break” to manage the 3 kids and all the moves.  By the time she was in high school, she had moved 8 times, but was

Magan, Aaron

Col. Aaron Magan joined the American Army in 1991, following his undergraduate ROTC at Western Kentucky University.  He went into the Army Corps of Engineers and soon found himself rising through the ranks.  He attended a series of schools and courses in the American military, all the while furthering his training.  They included: the Ranger

Hoffe, Lance

Major Lance Hoffe is a member of the current Canadian Forces, one who specializes in combat engineering.  As such he performs a diverse array of duties, from base set up to IED disposal.  He has been deployed overseas on a number of occasions, including three tours in Afghanistan, where he worked to provide crucial tactical

Bond, Levon

Major Levon Bond is a member of the current Canadian Forces, one who specializes in air force intelligence operations.  He has been deployed overseas on a number of occasions, including in Haiti, where Canada provided disaster relief after the devastating earthquake.  More recently, he was sent to Afghanistan and Qatar, where he worked to provide

Gibeau, Philippe

Major Philippe Gibeau is a member of the current Canadian Forces, one who specializes as an aerospace engineer.  He has been deployed overseas on a number of occasions, including in Afghanistan and Kuwait, where he worked to provide support to coalition forces in their battles in the ongoing war on terror. In May of 2018,

Aldous, Amanda

Major Amanda Aldous is a member of the current Canadian Forces, one who specializes in logistics.  She has been deployed overseas on a number of occasions, including in Afghanistan and Kuwait, where she worked to provide support to coalition forces in their battles in the ongoing war on terror. In May of 2018, Major Aldous

The Grade 10’s Ottawa Exploration

Last week, Crestwood’s Grade 10 students spent 3 days and 2 nights visiting our nation’s capital. After departing Crestwood early Wednesday morning, our first stop in Ottawa was the Canadian War Museum. Students had the opportunity to learn about the role of military conflict in Canadian history. Exhibits stretched as far back as pre-contact conflicts

McMichael, Reginald

Major Reginald McMichael joined the Canadian Forces in 2001, having made the decision to attend Royal Military College.  After initial training, he was deployed in Alberta as a member of the PPCLI, and he rose through the ranks as an officer.  From there, Major McMichael was sent on several overseas deployments, serving in Afghanistan at

Keeping, Andrea

Major Andrea Keeping grew up in the small farming community Russell, Manitoba and entered the University of Manitoba with the intention of studying to be an architect. Instead, she would end up finishing her education at Kingston’s Royal Military College and embark on a career that has seen her deployed in support roles to Afghanistan,

Lefrancois, Olivier

Major Olivier Lefrancois  joined the Canadian Forces in 1997, having made the decision to attend Royal Military College.  After initial training, he was deployed in Quebec, where he helped in the recovery efforts after the ice storm.  From there, Major Lefrancois was stationed in different parts of Canada, including North Bay, Resolute Bay and Cold Lake,

Dawe, Andrea

Major Dawe joined the Canadian Forces a little later than the average recruit, making the big decision when she turned 30.  After initial training, she focused on the logistical and personnel side of the military.  In this regard she was deployed to Afghanistan, where she was stationed at Kandahar Airfield.  While there she was responsible

O’Donnell, Robert

Major O’Donnell joined the Canadian Forces after completing his Bachelor’s Degree in English and History.  After initial training, he was deployed in western Canada, where he worked at avalanche control in the Rockies.  In 2005, he was asked to go to Afghanistan, where he led 30 soldiers in an artillery unit, providing support to coalition

Remembrance Day Assembly

This Remembrance Day, the Crestwood community gathered together to commemorate those who sacrificed their tomorrow for our today. The assembly included moving musical contributions from the senior music classes and the Crestwood Voices Chamber Choir. The Oral History Project shared two documentaries from Canadian veterans who shared their war-time experience. Crestwood students were fortunate enough

Dennis, Scott

At a young age Major Dennis was interested in aviation. He joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets and obtained his glider pilot license and private pilot license while in high school in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  After attending university at Mount Saint Vincent University, he obtained his commercial pilot license and flew as a flight instructor

LaJeunesse, Jeremy

Major LaJeunesse was born in Timmins, Ontario and graduated from Sudbury’s Laurentian University prior to enlisting in the Canadian Forces in 2003. In 2009, he was deployed to Afghanistan as part of OP Athena. In February of 2016, Major LaJeunesse visited Crestwood as part of a delegation from the Canadian Forces College, where he was

Harvey, Frederic

Major Harvey has over 20 years of experience in the Canadian Armed Forces, having joined the reserves in 1992. While serving in the reserves and completing his university education, Major Harvey was deployed as a part of Canada’s peacekeeping missions in Haiti (1996) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (1999). In 2000, Maj. Harvey transferred to regular forces as

Barker, Robert

Major Barker joined the Canadian Forces in 2000, and graduated from the Royal Military College in 2005. In 2008, he was deployed to Afghanistan, where he worked to help rebuild the Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police force. During his time in Afghanistan, he received an official mention in dispatches for his exemplary work.

Dias, Ricardo

Major Dias joined the Canadian Forces as a reserve Radio Teletype Operator with 745 (Edmonton) Communication Squadron in 1993. While he was attending the University of Alberta, he was accepted into the Reserve Entry Scheme for Officers and was commissioned in 1996. While at 745 Comm Sqn he served in a variety of positions: Troop